Our Journey
Sustainability for Real
Lintex is a family business, with a long-term approach to everything we do. This gives us the opportunity to firmly transform our business in a sustainable direction. Sustainability is a key element of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations. We see it as a never-ending journey towards an evolving destination.
By encouraging creativity, innovation, and constant learning we believe our products have a positive impact on sustainable development. That’s why there is a real need for our products, but their life cycle must be extended and transformed to eliminate negative environmental impacts. Our long-term objective is zero environmental footprint, aiming at a positive footprint after that.
We have three main sustainability targets: Circular products by 2030, net zero climate impact by 2040 and to always be a net producer of renewable energy.
While working towards these mainly environmental targets we must make sure that human rights, business ethics and other aspects of sustainability are accounted for. People in any way connected to producing or handling our products shall benefit from what they do, and we will do our utmost to prevent and mitigate any negative impact our business might have.

We believe in real transformation, in scientific facts and actual numbers. We are strong opponents of all forms of greenwashing, empty promises and questionable off-sets. That’s why we let third parties verify our claims and openly share what we learn. Our aim is also to inspire others and push our business partners and competitors. This is what we mean when we say we do sustainability for real.
Our products’ LCA:s and EPD:s are third party verified and we openly publish product climate impact. We have a near term climate target approved by the SBTi (Science Based Target initiative). We publicly disclose our company climate impact in scope 1, 2, 3 each year, calculated according to the GHG Protocol.
"We let third parties verify our claims"
Tested and approved for VOCs, quality and acoustics, our products meet high standards. We certify them with EU Ecolabel and the Swedish systems Byggvarubedömningen and Möbelfakta. Möbelfakta covers quality, environment and social responsibility. The requirements include EN and ISO quality standards, absence of hazardous substances and compliance with the UN Global Compact principles.
Our wood based products are FSC labelled and we select fabrics and fillings certified with the EU Ecolabel or Oekotex. Using our products in building or interior projects earn credits in BREEAM, LEED, WELL and DGNB certifications. As a company we are certified with ISO 14001 and FSC® Chain of custody (FSC-C170086).
We also have a whistleblowing channel available here to ensure that any concerns or unethical practices can be reported confidentially and addressed promptly.
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Text: Sara Gripstrand, Sustainability Manager
Photos: Brendan Austin